Amazon Prime Delivers the Top 90's Superhero Films

Last updated March 06, 2025Written by human, not by AI

There's a reason the 90's are considered to be the "Grunge" era, a complete 180 degree turn from the glossy, synth, fantastical decade before it. The 90's went dark, super dark, in fact, and that's partially because action thrillers were the biggest genre of the decade. But these were not your ordinary heroes. These were people with extreme tendency to violence, bloody and raw, and the audiences ate it up. There was also a welcome change when it came to filmmakers themselves, partly because budgets for movies went way down due to new technologies.

As a result, not only did we get an immensely higher number of films, we got black directors/producers, Hispanic actors, Asian, Indian, Native American and more. Huge superhero flicks were made on the lowest budget ever, which made this change possible. It was also the decade of the "leading men", that we all know today as staples of Hollywood: Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage.

Here are the top 9 superhero movies from the 90's to watch on Amazon after you have finished watching the best superhero movies from the 80s.

THE MASK (1994)

The Mask was one of the 90's biggest hits and showcased an unusual hero

These days, few people don't know the legend that is Jim Carrey. 1994 was a big year for him, with his three hit films being at the top of the charts, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, and Ace Ventura: Pet detective. Naming all his award winning movies would take a while, but among them are The Truman Show, Sunshine of a spotless mind, Bruce Almighty, and one of our favorites, I love you Phillip Morris. From the lightest to the darkest fares, Carrey is wizard at physical comedy, and is stellar as a leading man. This film is a perfect showcase for both his incredible physicality and his ability to go super terrifying.

Who among us hasn't found an old mask that was thousands of years old, put it on, and then became imbued by immense and bonkers superpowers? Jim Carrey certainly has, playing Stanley Ipkiss. This simple, meek bank clerk finds the mask of Loki (Thor's brother, God of mischief). When he puts it on, his wildest sides come out, but he forgets these wild nights when he wakes up. He manages to fall in love with Tina (Cameron Diaz in her first leading role), a dangerous mobster's girlfriend, sent for the purpose of bringing Ipkiss down. But Loki has plans for him that are less than legal, including stealing a lot of cash, getting him thrown in jail, in addition to being the #1 man on the mobster's hit list. Will Loki/Ipkiss bring the mobster and his goons down? Will Ipkiss be able to part with this magical, dangerous mask?

Watch The Mask


The Mask of Zorro was a wonderful romantic action movie from the 90s

The mask of Zorro was a true surprise hit when it first came out, no one expected a film with two lead characters who were Spanish/Hispanic to be so successful, despite Sir Hopkins being in the mix. Also, the story of the Mexican war for independence was relatively unknown in the States, so the movie had a lot riding against it. But this was a classic example of how, with an excellent script, incredible chemistry, and perfect casting, you can make almost anything work. The world welcomed Zeta-Jones and Banderas with open arms, and they're still one of Hollywood's biggest stars (and ended up marrying Hollywood royalty, too).

In 1821, the Mexican war for independence is raging on, and the "original" Zorro, Sir Anthony Hopkins, is fighting against Spain, and is exiled as punishment for his rebellion. To add more fuel to the fire, his wife is killed in the process of his capture, and his daughter Elena is taken by the evil Governor and whisked away. Twenty years pass, and Elena has become a stunning woman (Catherine Zeta-Jones in her first leading role). She and the Governor return to make trouble, which causes Hopkins' character to escape his prison. Into the pictures sashays Benderas as Zorro 2.0, and together with Elena and Hopkins, they go against the Governor. Will they save the town? Will Zorro get busy with the gorgeous, powerful Elena?

Watch The Mask of Zorro

BLADE (1998)

Blade showcases a dark and bold superhero

These days, movies about supernatural characters like vampires seem cliche, we've seen it all. But that wasn't the case with this surprise mega hit, that helped make Wesley Snipes a household name, a vampire slayer who was actually a half vampire himself. This is a wicked, dark, violent film with excellent cinematography and a great cast, though Snipes, at first, was dubious. Initially, he wanted to make Black Panther, but the studios offered him this film, instead. He has since stated that he was extremely proud of this flick, and that it was one of his most enjoyable filming experiences ever, especially learning martial arts for the role. 

Finally, some good old fashioned vampires, and in New York City! Blade is a hybrid vampire, human and vampire, and he's mad at the people that killed his mother - vampires. He's vicious, and takes no prisoners. He has spent decades searching for a "cure" for his vampire half and the blood lust it entails, and finds hope in Dr. Jensen, who believes she may be able to create that cure, from his own blood. After fighting his entire life (being immortal and all) against vampires, will he be able, along with the doctor, to beat Deacon Frost, the baddest vampire of them all, save NYC, and even get rid of his vampire half that he loathes so much?

Watch Blade


Batman Returns brings to life the spectacular catwoman, a 90's hero

There's no way any list of superhero movies will not be occupied with, at least, one Batman movie. And this one is particularly delicious, as it introduced Pfeiffer as Cat Woman, a character that has become iconic for the actress, but also around the world in Halloween costumes and fabulous drag shows. It was also very well received by critics for being almost too disturbing, thanks in large to the performance of the often underestimated Danny DeVito, who brings a crazy, disturbed, deranged element to the Penguin. In addition, Christopher Walken brings his special brand of weird to Max Shreck, Penguin's accomplice. The makeup and costume design on this Batman film were truly awe inspiring, and even nominated for an academy award.

In Batman Returns, Batman... returns! Our moody billionaire is back, and still saving Gotham from the bad guys. From the sewers rises the Penguin to wreak havoc, and alongside him stands the murdering businessman Shreck who plans on becoming the new Mayor of the city. The two plan to frame Batman for awful crimes. At the same time, stunning Selina is brutally thrown out the office window by Shreck himself, and though she almost dies, is saved by magical cats, and becomes Cat Woman. How will Cat Woman and Batman team up to defeat the evil men plaguing Gotham? Will Batman be able to clear his name from the crimes he is framed for?

Watch Batman Returns

THE CROW (1994)

The Crow brings us a man from the dead, ready for revenge

This is a difficult film to write about, but must be, even more so because it's star, Brendan Lee (who lost 40 lbs for the role), died on the actual set. In a horrific accident, during one of the scenes in which he is shot, real bullets were loaded into a prop gun, and the actor died from his wounds, on set. Making the movie even darker than it is, and adding an air of horror to it, makes the viewing experience that much tougher, but spectacular too, hailed by many critics as one of the best movies of the 90's. The Crow is the quintessential "shoot on a budget" movie genre that ruled the 90's, and we highly recommend it as a viewing experience unlike any other.

Being brought back from the dead in a big city is a major theme in the 90's, and The Crow is unique because the poet and guitarist Eric is brought back to life by a crow, after being murdered, in Detroit. Said crow continues to be by Eric's side, and guides him to his killers, that also murdered his then fiancée. Turns out, it was the city's biggest crime boss, Top Dollar, who is responsible, joined by an evil gang. The Crow goes after all of them: Tin Tin (knife throwing), Funboy (really into drugs), T-Bird (classic car lover) and Skank (his partner), and many more. He murders lots of people in the film, but will he actually manage to get revenge for himself and his former love, and will he rid Detroit of the cocaine snorting gang leader, Top Dollar?

Watch The Crow

DARKMAN (1990)

Darkman was burned alive, but comes back to exact his revenge

Does anyone not love the later-in-life, Irish, surprise action hero, Liam Neeson? Star of the series "Taken", as well as classics such as "Love Actually" and "Schindler's List", this Oscar nominated performer has done it all, including theater and animation (Family Guy). The famous monologue "I have a particular set of skills..." form the Taken films has become a serious pop-culture moment all on it's own, a combination of Neeson's charm, deep voice, accent, and immense talent. Watching him in a role in which he remains covered almost completely is a sheer pleasure, especially in such a violent state where all that pent-up energy can finally be released, compared to his more modern roles that require him much more restraint.

Dr. Westlake is just a regular scientist, working on a revolutionary invention, artificial skin, but it remains unstable and he's unable to find the right formula. One day, a major crime lord named Eddie Black, comes into his lab with his goons looking for papers the doctor's girlfriend had left there, and leaves only after burning him in boiling water, seemingly killing Westlake. But no one can kill Liam Neeson! Using his own invention on himself, he is saved, but the skin has a mind of it's own and some tricks up it's sleeve. Will Dark Man be able to stop Eddie Black and rid this unnamed city of him for good?

Watch Darkman


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a huge surprise hit of the 90's

Cowabanga! Yes, you're reading that right, one of the absolute best 90's superhero movies stars... turtles! Well, cool ninja ones. Everyone's favorite reptiles are taking to the big screen, and they came to slay. You may be surprised to know that Robin Williams was a huge fan, and was an actual credited consultant on the film, which he did for free, to make sure the integrity of the source material was in tact. It was a shocking hit for an indie film, grossing $135 million domestically. Not surprisingly, the movie came out with a huge Pizza Hut campaign that cost $20 million dollars, and made the pizza chain hit an all time high in sales and popularity.

You all know the deal: A rat, Master Splinter, and four turtles (Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo & Leonardo) became super from being in toxic waste, and are the unofficial heroes of New York. Their singular group food of choice is pizza. Each has their own weapon, too, and they've been trained by Splinter in martial arts. They become good friends with a reporter, April, and are made aware of the Foot Clan gang, lead by the one and only, Master Shredder. Will the four turtles, who are amazing ninjas, be able to stop Master Shredder and his hold on the city of New York? Will they eat a celebratory pizza afterwards?

Watch TMNJ


The Phantom is a great pulp comic adaptation starring Billy Zane

From the other films on this list, this one was the absolute biggest movie flop, without a doubt, and unfortunately made it impossible for the charming Billy Zane to get another acting role. This is a bummer, because the delightful actor does a lovely job with a very iffy script, and lots of pirate/jungle talk. Still, this has become a cult classic for comic lovers, partly because he doesn't really have "super" powers other than punching pretty hard. Also he has a legacy unlike any other hero, with previous Phantoms making it appear he is one singular being, rather than several generations of the hero. And that skin-tight costume with a very ripped Billy Zane in it is reason alone to watch this flick.

Set just before the start of World War 2, the Phantom is one of the first ever heroes driven by the need for vengeance due to the death of a loved one. From a 400 year old line comes the latest Phantom in New York, wearing his signature skull ring, sworn to bring down all piracy action and protect the innocent. The Ghost-Who-Walks has to stop the super villain pirate, Kabai Sength from getting all 4 skull rings that exist and would give him the ultimate power (sounds familiar?). This evil pirate also happens to come from the line of men that had originally killed the very first Phantom from 400 years ago. Will The 1939, current Phantom defeat Sength? What will he do with all four skull rings once he finds them?

Watch The Phantom

SPAWN (1997)

Spawn has become a huge cult his since it came out in the 90's

Only the second black superhero in film up to that point (the first being Meteor Man in 1993), Spawn was also unusual as he made the audience sympathize with a hero who's previous job before death was a government assassin. It's also one of the only films of that time to show "actual" hell, as Spawn literally comes from there, and is a soldier of the devil, given here a creepy name, Malebolgia. The true tragedy of this beautiful and very, very dark and violent story, is that even after all the fighting he does for the devil, he is sent back to earth completely disfigured, so he cannot be reunited with his beloved wife Wanda, who has also married his best friend since his death. Ouch!

The devil is the bad guy in this film, and he wants to brings in the apocalypse, as a war is going on between heaven in hell while the movie story line takes place. Spawn, a man double crossed when alive, is double crossed once more by the ultimate evil, who technically does what he promises and allows Spawn to return to earth. A shame he looks mangled like a monster and can't be seen or be reunited with his wife. But not to worry, Spawn won't take it all lying down. After kicking the ass of all earth-bound baddies, he is back, head to head with the devil. Will he win the battle and be freed from the shackles of hell? And will he be able to continue living a life on earth, despite his monster-like appearance?

Watch Spawn


The list above is an incredibly eclectic collection of what the 90's had to offer. While being well known as the "action" decade, it was also a brilliant one for superheros, many of which are far from sweet and cuddly. They're hell bent on revenge, have come back from the dead, or use incredibly dark, dangerous magic. This makes these superheros not less heroic, but perhaps that much more inspiring, and buckets of fun to watch.

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