The Strangest Items on Amazon

Last updated February 18, 2025Written by human, not by AI

Sometimes you don't know you need something until you see it. And sometimes, you see something for sale and wonder who came up with the idea for the product and what hallucinogenic were they on when the vision come to mind? Most of the time, the wacky ideas never make it past the drunk or high stage, but thankfully for us, some have beaten the odds and not only made it into production, but have found global fame (of sorts) on Amazon.

So, the next time you trying to think of what to buy someone who has everything, or simply wanting to give a gift you know will make some's jaw drop and eyes roll, the following items are the worst, of the best, strangest, weirdest and simply 'why?' products you can get your hands on in a couple of clicks.

Cheeseburger In A Tube

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to eat a cheeseburger without the hassle of chewing, biting, or even holding it? Well, wonder no more, because Cheeseburger in a Tube is here to satisfy your curiosity and your hunger. If you want to prove to your friends, that your palate is truly dead and you don't care what you put in your mouth, this gourmet experience, will make you not only you groan, but your friends too. And, the next time you're asked to bring some burgers, a few tubes of this will make sure you're never invited again to that person's cook-out.

Squeeze out a hamburger as every top astronaut knows

Cheeseburger in a Tube is a revolutionary product that combines ground beef, cheese, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and onions into a smooth paste that you can squeeze out of a plastic tube. It’s like a toothpaste, but for meat lovers. The product is advertised as something you can add to your hiking rations list, or add to your freeze-dried food collection. And, with an expiry date of a few years, you can stock up the underground fall-out shelter with these tempting goodies and survive the apocalypse without having to suffer burger withdrawal symptoms.

If a burger isn't to your taste, you can always mix things up and cater to ever craving with Russian French Fries, Sicilian Pizza and even Chicken Nuggets to ensure a well-balanced, all-rounded diet. According to reviewers on Amazon, the key to getting the best flavor out of your tubal burger is to heat up the product in hot water and then squeeze it out.

Get the Cheeseburger In A Tube

Crafting With Cat Hair

Do you love cats? Do you love crafts? Do you love cats so much that you want to make crafts out of their shed fur? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then either you need to get your paws on Crafting with Cat Hair by Kaori Tsutaya, a Japanese cat lover and crafter who has devised a way to turn cat hair into cute and cuddly creations. Or, you need to speak to someone about what's going on with your life and the life choices you've made.

Crafting with a cat hair is a must-have book for people with too much time

Crafting with Cat Hair is a book that teaches you how to make various items using cat hair, such as finger puppets, tote bags, picture frames, and even cat toys. The book includes step-by-step instructions, photos, templates, and tips on how to collect, clean, and felt cat hair. You don’t need any special equipment or skills, just a lot of patience and a willing (or unwilling) feline friend.

So, the next time you're using the lint roller to collect cat hair from your outfit after a visit to a relative you don't really like, gift them this book and wait until your birthday or Xmas to discover what handmade beauties they've made thanks to this book. After all, who doesn't want a finger puppet lovingly crafted from discarded cat hair, hair so old the cat doesn't even want it any more.

Get the Crafting With Cat Hair

The Ghost Meter

You don't have to waste your money calling The GhostBusters, instead this budget-friendly tool will sniff out any paranormal activity, though catching the ghosts is something that it has yet to do. The Ghost Meter measures electromagnetic radiation fields (EMF). Once you come across an area  where EMF is off the charts, the lights start flashing, the indicator starts moving closer to the red zone and it's time get the beejeezes out of there.

Find a ghost with the Ghost Meter

The product itself is rather deceptive, maybe on purpose so ghosts and other paranormal entities don't know you're hunting them. It looks somewhat like a cheap plastic toy and yes, batteries are required, in this case a 9V battery. Once you've turned it on all you have to do is hold it one hand and start moving out about until its beeps, flashes and the needle falters. This means there's something funky going with the EMF, indicating either there's a ghost in the vicinity or you need to check your wiring.

For some reason, cats can also make the meter come alive. But then as anyone with a cat knows, these creatures occasionally can seem like they're possessed by the demon. This particular product is a staple in many TV ghost-hunting series. Maybe cause it works or maybe because it's one of the cheapest ghost hunting products on the market. The only way you can find out is to try it out for yourself. And, according to the many reviews on Amazon, either people drink too much and imagine they see things, or the Ghost Meter really does have the ability to sniff out paranormal entities.

Get the Ghost Meter

Roast Beef Sandwich Bath Soak Salts

Have you ever craved a roast beef sandwich so much that you wished you could soak in it? Well, now you can, thanks to the Roast Beef Sandwich Bath Soak, a product that claims to offer a mouthwatering and therapeutic experience for your body and senses. However, you may not come out of the bath smelling like a Roast Beef Sandwich, the scent is far from it. Certainly, you will smell good enough to eat.

Roast Beef Sandwich Bath Soak is the perfect gift for meat-eating sandwich lovers

If you've had a busy day and all you want to do is luxuriate in a hot bath, but on the other hand, you've for a yen to chow down on a juicy roast beef sandwich, these bath salts combine both of your desires in one tepid temptation. This bag of bath soaks is advertised as the ultimate French Dip, though if you're hoping you'll smell meaty, mustardy and maybe with a hint of pickle, you'll be disappointed. You'll actually come out of the tub smelling rather sweet as the scent is a mixture of brown sugar and fig fragrances.

One thing though that needs to be pointed out is that while Roast Beef Sandwich is the theme of the salts, they are in no way meant to be eaten. The bag contains 23 ounces of bath crystals compromised of a range of chemicals which may make feel good on the outside but, if you ingest them, you'll be suffering from more than just the effects of a bad meat meal. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Get the RB Sandwich Soak Salts

Electronic Yodelling Pickle

You want to yodel but don't know how to so what do you do? You pick up a yodelling pickle obviously. Yep, somewhere at sometime, someone suddenly thought, wouldn't it be cool to have a pickle that yodels. Not only may that seem like a weird thought, but the fact that it has over 11,000 ratings on Amazon and has been talked about in papers such as the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, makes it seem that some weird ideas, are apparently not so weird after all. 

Electronic Yodelling Pickle is a truly strange gift

The pickle itself is non-edible, so no trying to chomp down on it. The packaging even clearly states it's a choking hazard. This pickle is for yodelling only and comes with batteries included so you can start the music the minute you get it. While it may seem a strange food to make into a yodeller there is a story behind the pickle as an object of entertainment.

There is a tradition in German and even some parts of the USA where German immigrants first came to, of hiding a pickle ornament in a Christmas Tree. Apparently the person who finds the hidden pickle on Christmas morning receives a special gift and good luck for the coming year. So, rather then smelling up the tree with briny cucumbers, you can put this pickle in the branches and make your holiday sing.

Get the Yodelling Pickle

Unicorn Head Squirrel Feeder

If you've been feeding squirrels and wondered what benefits you're getting out of it, it's time to make the little bushy critters give back and make them amuse you by turning them into oddly sized unicorns. And, if you're thinking this doesn't seem right, the feeder is actually beneficial to squirrels as, according to the company and various animal charities, the feeder not only gives them a source of food, but stimulates their curiosity and intelligence. And certainly, we are all for more intelligent and curious squirrels.

Unicorn head squirrel feeder on Amazon

The unicorn squirrel feeder is actually a plastic unicorn head with a detachable horn and two holes for hanging. The head can be filled with nuts, seeds, or corn, and when a squirrel sticks its head inside to eat, it looks like it has a unicorn horn. While the horn is an integral part of any unicorn, this one comes off. You'll need to semi-dismember the head in order to fill it with food. No food — no squirrels.

What will surprise you is how adaptable and ingenious these outdoor tree rats can be. Very quickly Rocky or Squirrel Nutkin and his family will soon figure how out why there's a head of a unicorn in the garden and most have no qualms about putting their head inside it and starting munching away. And, as the company who makes them proudly states, 'with other feeders we humiliated squirrels, but the Unicorn Squirrel Feeder uplifts them'. And after all, don't we all want to uplift a squirrel.

Get the Unicorn Head Squirrel

Handerpants - Underwear for your hands

Do you hands need underwear? Apparently so. The time of making your hands go commando is over. No respectable gentlemen or lady should be seen without a covering over their hands to ensure their modesty is maintained at all times. Handerpants should not be confused with fingerless gloves. These don't provide warmth or protection as most handwear on the market does. Rather they defend your palms and parts of your finger from unwarranted attention and make sure gloves don't ever have to actually touch the hand itself.

Handerpants protect your hands from unwarranted attention

Handerpants look like white cotton briefs, complete with an elastic waistband and a fly and, the company that makes them promises, they fits most hands, prevents chafing, distracts enemies, and give that extra attention to those with a case of jazz hands. They are not underpants for your hands, but rather handerpants for your soul.

They do not protect your fingers from cuts, burns, or cold. They do not enhance your grip, dexterity, or typing skills. They do not improve your hygiene, health, or appearance. In fact, they may have the opposite effect, as they may attract unwanted attention, ridicule, or confusion from others. But then, again if you're wearing them, you probably are somewhat of an attention seeker.

Get the Handerpants

Chicken Harness and Leash 

If you have a chicken or rooster and are sick of seeing dog owners parade their pets around with over-the-top outfits, collars and leashes, then it's time to up the ante and show or your feathered friend's fashion sense with a harness and leash. While there are a few issues to overcome such as getting the harness on a winged creature, and the fact that the chicken will do everything in its power not to be harnessed, the results are worth a hand and arm that's pecked to the bone.

A chicken harness and leash is a gift no-one wants

Once you've harnessed your chicken, the world is its oyster. You can take it for a walk on the beach, let it fear for its life in a dog park, have a fun day in playground and let it explore the slides and swings most chickens never get the chance to ride. And, it you have a fat feathered friend or goose that you want to take for a walk, the harness comes in a range of sizes. So, quails to ducks can now get to enjoy the experience of being man's (or woman's) best friend.

The harness and leash are both machine washable and adjustable so once you've finished a day of chicken training and bonding, you simply throw the harness and leash (not the chicken) in the machine and it's fresh and clean for the next day of fowl fun. We would suggest though removing the pink bow if you're bonding with a rooster. The male poultry pals seem not to be found of the feminine accessory.

Get the Chicken Harness


While these gifts may seem like a waste of money at first glance, they're not. It's pretty much guaranteed that anyone who receives one of the above products will never forget it, or you for that matter. None are expensive, all will make you laugh or groan and chances are the person who receives it, doesn't already have one of them. So, next time you want to make a friend smile or are wondering what to get the person who seems to have everything, any of the above items are sure-fire winners.